Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Seven Deadly Sins, Movement 2 - GLUTTONY

In love, as in gluttony, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision.
- Italo Calvino

Gluttony. Gluttony is, by far, the one sin that is most apparent and encompassing of the American Culture. Gluttony comes at us with such a hunger that it hardly ever fulfills us. To some, it never fills that gnawing, lustful hunger. People consume. And if you look at Americans as a whole, we consume a LOT.

Just look at gluttony in terms of its classic meaning of eating too much food. All you need to do is either look at our televisions or see our freeways and roads. Gluttony fills nearly every crack of the United States. Fast food joints. Corner stores. Diners. Restaurants. All shaped and sized differently to give people a various kinds of tastes. And while choice is not the problem, it is our overall consumption that is.

Large servings of food are dished out left and right. Sold either very cheaply or somewhat expensively; all to fulfill our hungers. And once we get full, it doesn't seem long till we get hungry again for more. Even meals at home, such as many meals I had growing up as a young Puerto Rican during holidays, were down right ridiculous with the amount of food given to one person(including myself). And God knows I ate MORE than my fair share.

This vast need to consume so much breaks off food and grows into other areas of our lives. Junkies need more and more drugs in order to get a better high. Sex addicts are constantly fucking people left and right; keeping their beds warm and their bodies touched for some unspoken desire for companionship. People spending hours upon hours on video games to get the highest points or finish several quests to win or gain some kind of glory.

Feeding. Consuming. Ever encompassing many aspects of our lives. This is what we must look at. Our own individual gluttony that we all take on. Look at it. Acknowledge it for what it is. And if you can, begin to cut it down. All this feeding will eventually making you too full to do anything; whether it be food or something else that is constantly consumed.

Every small bit and piece that life gives to us is precious because it is finite and uncommon. Remember, pizza always tastes good if you only have if once in a blue moon. Sex is only meaningful when it is with someone you love. Overindulging can only lead to ruin as the old saying is true: Too much of anything isn't good for you.

And wouldn't you rather have something in small portions and be able to enjoy it every time you have it?

Think about it.

Have a great morning, afternoon and evening, Boo Boo Kitties. And Happy Holidays.

Seraph (aka Frankie)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ballads of Seraph: The Seven Deadly Sins, Movement 1 - PRIDE

Ballads of Seraph: The Seven Deadly Sins, Movement 1 - PRIDE: "Pride was always a sin that I could never understand why it was a sin while growing up. So many people walk around saying that you should t..."

The Seven Deadly Sins, Movement 1 - PRIDE

Pride was always a sin that I could never understand why it was a sin while growing up. So many people walk around saying that you should take pride in the work that you do. Or be proud of your heritage, having Puerto Rican Pride. Look at my life, there were plenty of times where Pride didn't seem like a bad thing. And of course, as life teaches you, it turned out to be wrong.

Gerard Way, lead singer to the band known as My Chemical Romance once said, “It is better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than to lose that someone you love with your useless pride.”

And how have I, like many people, have lost people because of that same pride. I have alienated close friends because of that said pride. I backed myself into corners that I NEVER needed to be in cause of that pride. I lost myself because of my pride. These are all things that have come about because I was too proud to either except my faults, ask for help or see another way. And these are things that we, as human beings, do on a regular basis.

Pride has taken many people far in life but many times, it has taken more of them down then built them up. Look at our society today. So lost in the brand name culture, the technological advances and the protective walls of ambiguity & social despondence that we as a race have let our pride dictate actions that can be interpreted into downright foolishness.

Oh, Let me buy some sneakers. No. Not the cheap ones. I need those sneakers that are at least $80 to $150 dollars cause then people will think better of me. Too proud to buy affordable shoes that are not as much as an actual utility bill.

Let me go on the computer and find my husband cause it is so much easier for me then getting dressed, go out, actually meeting people and talking to them face to face. I can just sit here and when he wants to see me, I will have him come over and treat me to dinner cause I am so worth it. And if he can't do that, well fuck him cause I am gonna get the best man possible and that man has to take care of me.
DEAR GOD! You have NO IDEA how many times I have heard that scenario in the last 5 years alone from other people that i have come across or heard about through another friend. Pride made this person chose to be lazy. Pride made this person decide that he was gonna let his dates come to him from now on. Pride make this person decide that if his date is gonna be worth anything or move on to some kind of relationship, that his date would have to pay everything for him because he is so full of pride within himself that he felt that he earned the right for someone else to take care of him.

And allow me to tell you, one and all, that that is PURE BULLSHIT!! Pride is only going to get you so far in life and, 9 times out of 10, it is not going to be a good place. There are reasons that Pride is a Deadly Sin and I just gave you quite a few.

So remember ladies and gentlemen, just because you feel the need to be proud, does not mean that you need to be so excessive with it that you will create problems for yourself because it is true what they say:

After Pride, Comes the FALL!

Remember that!

Have yourselves a great day, afternoon and night Boo Boo Kitties!

Seraph (aka Frankie)